Reading Class
Tuesday 7.15 - 9.30pm
Reading is foundational to understanding and answering questions in other subjects. The reading class materials are designed by SHINE Children and Youth Services.
Wednesday 7.15 - 9.30pm
Thursday 7.15 - 9.30pm
Saturday 10.00 - 12.00pm
Through years of teaching mathematics, we have developed frameworks for tackling mathematics problems. For struggling student, we employ the use of manipulatives to develop hands-on understanding.
Monday 7.00 - 9.00pm
Science is taught with an emphasis on mind-mapping to gain a good understanding of topics covered.
Computer Applications
Computer applications is a N-level subject providing opportunities for students to develop 21st Century Competencies.
The Phonics class complements the Reading class to develop basic reading skills through Phonics.
Recent Projects
The Micro:Bit course is a 12 week course introducing students to electronics and sensors, designed to develop computational thinking skills.
Social-Emotional Learning
Social-Emotional Learning
To help students understand themselves better and develop good learning attitudes through the Yale SEL model and Growth mindset.
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy
Digital Literacy is a series of modules in line with Google’s Digital Literacy Curriculum
Sports with Move UP
Sports with Move UP
Move Ulu Pandan is a Youth Network in Ghim Moh organising non-academic activities for our students, such as Soccer, Rock Climbing and Street Dancing.