
Volunteers are UPSTAR’s most valuable resource. We are looking for dedicated volunteers who are keen to learn more about the challenges students in underserved families are facing and are keen to develop their personal competencies. 

Volunteers are assisted by a dedicated team of Mentors who share their experiences and guide volunteers through difficult situations.

Join us

Join us today to make a difference and give back to society.


Tutor Commitments

  • 12 Months

    Tutors are expected to commit for a period of 12 months, in order to build rapport with students.

  • Role Models

    Tutors are expected to be role models - big brother and sister figures, to impart good learning attitudes and good social behaviour.

  • 80% Attendance

    Tutors are expected to maintain a minimum 80% attendance rate to facilitate planning and minimize disruption in the students' learning.

Other Projects

We are also looking for volunteers with unique skillsets to be a part of this dynamic community and assist in projects to improve our operations.

Do you have a project you would like to trial?

Fill in this proposal template and get in touch with us at volunteer.upstars@gmail.com! We will evaluate the proposal and let you know how to move forward.


Title of Program: UP Stars
Venue: Block 3 Ghim Moh Road
Organization: Ulu Pandan PAP Foundation Centre (PCF) and Citizen Consultative Committee (CCC).

Yes all our tutors will get a letter of recognition that endorses the number of hours committed to UPSTARS. For tutors with outstanding contributions, testimonials can be written as acknowledgement.

Yes. Please provide details to whom the letter should be addressed and the name of your hostel.